The story of the film tells the story of a young woman who lost her parents and left her a large inheritance. This girl lived with her uncle and his daughters in their house, and everyone who knew about the inheritance left by her parents wanted to marry her or wanted to marry her to his son. In the second part of the movie The Doctor, the girl lives in the house of her uncle and his wife and grew up with their children after the death of her parents. Her uncle's wife returns to the village from Istanbul after a long absence, and the two lovers imagine that each of them will live a happy life and will meet together after fatigue. The doctor goes to propose to the girl with his sister. Will the two lovers really meet or will it remain just a dream? Lovers who cannot meet, the war between good and evil, emotional stories inspired by folk songs, all this and more on our YouTube channel. Scenarios with real stories that guide life in the best Turkish films - You can find the best films on the YouTube channel. We offer our followers Turkish films that tell stories of more exciting miracles and more mysterious events with Arabic dubbing and Arabic translation. #TurkishMovie #Channel7