Title : Love and Tears Singer : Gerry Mahesa Songwriter : Achmad Affandi Arranger : MAHESA MUSIC Audio : Dhehan Audio Video : 19 Production Live : PANGESTU, Sunday, October 13, 2024, Ngeseng Field, Kudus. Lyrics In the dark night I stare at the stars My heart starts to get restless I remember your face, oh dear The happy day we've been waiting for Gone are now just dreams Destroyed, all that's left are tears Even though I cry blood It's all in vain Your parents are more powerful The mate they chose That's the best for you Love him, cherish him As your husband Now I have to surrender and pray May you be happy with him Destroyed, all that's left are tears Even though I cry blood It's all in vain Your parents are more powerful The mate they chose That's the best for you Love him, cherish him As your husband Now I have to surrender and pray May you be happy with him Now I have to surrender and pray May you be happy with him