Learn much more about this subject of romantic relationships between gifted people in content #026 and #027 within the Cognitiva Metaverso environment and have access to the scientific reference that I cite in the content of this video! 👉🏼 http://www.cognitivametaverso.com 🌐 COGNITIVA METAVERSO is a complete subscription plan in which, in addition to the recorded content, you will experience behavioral changes and self-knowledge exercises and many exchanges of experiences in an active and exclusive community of highly intelligent people from all over the world! The goal is to provide ways to bring you closer to the best version of yourself, value your potential and your intelligence through content based on scientific evidence from Neuroscience and Psychology about Giftedness, ADHD, ASD and Double Exceptionality! 👉🏼 Enter now and learn more: www.cognitivametaverso.com ❓ Questions? Contact us directly via Whatsapp: (34) 3235-6614 After all, quality knowledge transforms people and changes the world! Do you want to carry out your complete neuropsychological evaluation with us? Contact us via Whatsapp: (34) 3235-6614 for more information! #loverelationships #marriage #giftedness #highcapacities #highabilities #selfdevelopment #selfknowledge #Neuroscience #Psychology #giftedperson #doubleexceptionality #Cognitive #CognitiveMetaverse #DraPaulaLemes