00:00 Louis XI, the Spider 04:19 A long and difficult childhood 09:18 The trigger for the political future 12:54 The Praguerie (1440) or the revolts of the great 18:52 1461-1483 Louis XI the Prudent 27:49 Against Charles the Bold 28:44 The League of the Public Good (1465) 30:40 The States General in Tours 45:47 The end of the reign Nicknamed the Spider, Louis XI was not always appreciated at his true value as a sovereign because of his intense diplomatic activity. Nevertheless, his work is looked upon with praise. His reign is marked by the strengthening of royal authority over the great feudatories, notably the Duke of Burgundy and the Duke of Brittany, and his alliance with the people. Director: Dominique Mougenot, Thierry Bruant and Catherine Mignot The Kings of France, 15 Centuries of History - Documentary Series - Historical