LOOK AT THE COBRAAAAAA!!!! It's a lie... LOOK AT THE CUTEAAAAAA! IT'S TRUE! That's right, my grandchildren! If there's drooling and gossip, it's because we killed the snake and even showed our dicks! Come with grandma because today we're going to take advantage of this São João atmosphere to find out: who threw the hot dog in whose face? And to help talk about this, we invited them, the kings of breath and owners of the biggest reality show on YouTube: Edu and Fih, from Diva Despiração! Welcome (again) to LORELIVE, friends! Since they really like talking, let's get the couple to participate in our panel, which is a real success: Taking Off the Wig. Will we have new controversial names? Who are they going to take off the wig for? Are you going to wipe someone out? ???? Come on, we'll gossip a lot and also find out who's most embarrassed at June parties, who eats the most sweets, who's the most gossipy or even who's on the plaid team... Let's go! Lorelive, every Wednesday, at 8pm, on DiaTV and on the channel @lorelayfox DiaTV, the first TV made by content creators, live NOW: • DiaTV - LIVE 24 HOURS A DAY A @DiaTV Production ???? BE A SUPPORTER: https ://apoia.se/lorelay_fox LISTEN TO MY PODCAST: https://linktr.ee/podcastparatudo FOLLOW: Insta + Twitter @LORELAY_FOX WATCH MORE: HORROR CASES: https://tinyurl.com/yckr9b5s HATES OF THE MONTH: https: //tinyurl.com/2p9bc2s6 CONSPIRACY THEORIES: https://tinyurl.com/4sucw7pf CLUE ADVICE: https://tinyurl.com/2s3kpnnw HIV and AIDS: https://goo.gl/Y5zbcw Lorelay Fox is DragQueen for over 18 years and has been on YouTube to spread messages of acceptance and empathy, as well as artistic makeup advice and talk about things in life! Currently, in addition to YouTube, she runs the Podcast Para Tudo, available on the main streaming channels! Love, Lorelay Fox…