LOOK WHO CAME TO TEST MY PRESA CANARIO Hello, welcome to another video from the Santa Morte kennel. Today we show you the litter of Bruxa and Carnicero, the one that was born to a controversial white male. The puppies are huge. I'll also talk a little about their bloodline. You'll see that Grilo from the Wiky Buena Vista kennel came to visit me and meet the dogs. He's an exceptional guy with knowledge of functional dogs. He's already produced machines and came here to test my dogs and help me select them so that I can have increasingly functional dogs with more quality. We worked with Kron, Carnicero, Fobia, etc. The pregnant females like Onna, Hanna and Lurin couldn't be worked with to avoid risks. You'll also see Mago from Santa Morte, a huge puppy with spectacular qualities. He already gives us some indication that he'll be a real dog, with a great temperament, a confident and beautiful dog! I try to select dogs for real here more and more, that's why I also talked about the word balance in dogs, as I always say that balance is with family and not with strangers, except when there is real obedience and that's it. Thank you to everyone who watches and follows me too! COMMENT, COMMENT!!! Don't forget to leave your like, okay? VIDEO THAT IREMA SHOWS TALKS ABOUT THE PRESA ON EXHIBITION • El Perro de Presa Canario y las expos... WHITE PUPPY WAS BORN IN SANTA • WHITE CANARY PRESA WAS BORN IN SANTA ... THE TRUTH ABOUT THE PRESA ON EXHIBITION • Video TELEGRAM Channel https://t.me/santapresa Offered by IBC & Natural Formula Subscribe and leave your like ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ our Instagram @presa.santamorte www.bandog.com.br Our partner in collars and accessories ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ For more information, contact us #presacanario #argentinedog #canecorso