Hi! Welcome everyone! If you like it, subscribe, hit the notification bell, like it, share it with your friends and family! May God bless your life. MY PLAYLISTS HAVE A LOT OF NEWS • CAKE PLAYLIST • PASTA PLAYLIST • BREAD PLAYLIST • SPECIAL SNACKS PLAYLIST • SNACKS PLAYLIST • BREAD PLAYLIST • BISCUITS PLAYLIST • SWEETS PLAYLIST • SNACKS PLAYLIST • SALTY COOKIES PLAYLIST • SWEET COOKIES PLAYLIST • SPECIAL RECIPES HI EVERYONE! THIS IS THE LINK TO MY OTHER CHANNEL. / @meupequenositio807 INGREDIENTS 01 NOTE: Follow all the steps to have an excellent recipe! 2 Cups of unbleached wheat flour 260g ½ Cup of sugar 115g 2 Tablespoons of butter 50g 1 Egg 1 Pinch of salt 2g 1 Teaspoon of cake yeast 7g 40ml of coconut milk I USED 250ML CUP Heat the oven and bake for approximately 15 minutes at 180⁰ #homemadebiscuit #cinnamonbiscuit INGREDIENTS: 01 NOTE: Follow all step by step to have an excellent recipe! 2 Cups of unleavened wheat flour 260g ½ Cup of sugar 115g 2 tablespoons of butter 50g 1 Egg 1 Pinch of salt 2g 1 teaspoon of cake yeast 7g 40ml coconut milk I USED A 250ML CUP Heat the oven and bake for approximately 15 minutes at 180⁰ #bolachacaseira #canelabiscuit INGREDIENTS: 01 NOTE: Follow everything step by step to get an excellent recipe! 2 cups of yeast-free wheat flour 260g ½ cup of sugar 115g 2 cups of butter 50g 1 egg 1 pinch of salt 2g 1 cup of yeast for bizcocho 7g 40ml of coconut milk USE A 250ML VASE Heat the oven and cook for approximately 15 minutes. 180⁰ #bolachacaseira #canelabiscuit INGREDIENTS: 01 REMARQUE: Suivez tout étape par étape pour avoir une excellente recipe! 2 cups of flour without yeast 260g ½ cup of sugar 115g 2 cuillères à soupe de beurre 50g 1 œuf 1 Pincée de sel 2g 1 cuillère à café de levure à gâteau 7g 40 ml coconut milk J'AI UTILISÉ UNE TASSE DE 250ML Chauffer le four et environ environ 15 minutes à 180⁰ #bolachacaseira #canelabiscuit INGREDIENTS: 02 NOTE: Follow all step by step to have an excellent recipe! 1 Cup of sugar 240g 2 Egg yolks 2 Tablespoons of butter 60g 1 Small box of cream 200g 1 Cup of cornstarch 125g 1 Pinch of salt 2g 1 Dessert spoon of cake yeast 10g 3 Cups of unleavened wheat flour 380g I used a 250ml cup Heat the oven and bake for approximately 20 minutes at 180 ° #easycookie #homemadecookie INGREDIENTS: 02 NOTE: Follow all step by step to have an excellent recipe! 1 Cup of sugar 240g 2 Gems 2 tablespoons of butter 60g 1 Box of cream 200g 1 Cup of cornstarch 125g 1 Pinch of salt 2g 1 dessert spoon of cake yeast 10g 3 Cups of unleavened wheat flour 380g I used a 250ml cup Heat the oven and bake for approximately 20 minutes at 180° #biscoitofacil #homemadecooki INGREDIENTS:02 NOTE: Follow every step by step to have an excellent recipe! 1 cup of sugar 240g 2 egg yolks 2 cups of butter 60g 1 cup of cream 200g or 1 cup of cornstarch 125g 1 pinch of salt 2g 1 cup of yeast powder for bizcocho 10g 3 cups of yeast-free wheat flour 380g You use a cup of 250ml. Heat the oven and bake for 20 minutes at approximately 180° #biscoitofacil #galletacasera INGREDIENTS:02 RESCHEDULE: Suivez tout étape par étape pour avoir une excellente recipe! 1 cup of sugar 240g 2 gems 2 cuillères à soupe de beurre 60g 1 Boîte de crème 200g 1 cup of apple starch 125g 1 Pincée de sel 2g 1 cuillère à dessert de levure à gâteau 10g 3 cups of farine de bleu sans levain 380g Now use a 250 ml container Four and environ environ 20 minutes à 180° #biscoitofacile #biscuitfaitmaison