/ @socialartefotografia Here you can join the SocialArte community and start enjoying exclusive videos, participate in the private Facebook group, tutorials, webinars and much more. To achieve impressive outdoor portraits it is often necessary to resort to external lighting, but if we are working in very harsh daylight hours and we want portraits with little depth of field, we tend to activate the high-speed sync on our cameras without realizing that it is the least efficient solution of all. With a neutral density filter you can substantially lower the power of the flash as well as give a longer life to your lighting equipment. If you want to purchase these excellent filters you can do so at the following links: Amazon USA: Freewell https://amzn.to/2Q1nyFH PolarPro https://amzn.to/2xiivKh / https://amzn.to/2vQpBp8 Amazon Spain PolarPro https://amzn.to/2IJfhlP / https://amzn.to/2vby71K Freewell https://amzn.to/2TB52pV Model @mariabeserrano