Hey guys! Today's topic is LOGICAL PROPOSITION! This is the first class of the Introduction to Logical Reasoning course, where, with the support of free material, you will learn how to start studying this subject, building a foundation to eliminate all your difficulties. Free E-book on Logical Reasoning for Public Exams: https://felippeloureiro.com/ebook-rlm/ Telegram Channel: https://t.me/felippeloureiro Watch the other classes of the Introduction to Logical Reasoning course: Class 2: • Logical reasoning for public exams - pa... Class 3: • Logical reasoning for public exams - pa... Class 4: • Logical reasoning for public exams - pa... Series of Mathematics for Public Exams classes: • Mathematics for Public Exams - Class 1 Social networks: Instagram: / prof.felippeloureiro Facebook: / proffelippeloureiro #rlmfacilitada #raciociniologico #rlm #concurseira #concurseiro #concursopublico #concurseiros