The 01 137 was built in 1935 by the Henschel machine factory in Kassel. It came from a construction batch of 19 locomotives and was given the serial number 22579. Acceptance by the Deutsche Reichsbahn took place on April 24, 1935. The first railway depot used was Breslau Hbf. The 01 137 was based at the Breslau Hbf railway depot from April 24, 1935 to February 17, 1943, then it was taken to the railway depot in Leipzig Hbf West, where it was used until April 20, 1947. The next stop was the Eisenach railway depot for 20 months. The 01 137 was based there from April 20, 1947 to December 8, 1948. The next stop in the life of the Pacific was the passenger station railway depot in Erfurt. It remained at home there for almost exactly 10 years, until December 15, 1958. Then a real tour followed with the railway depots Seddin, Magdeburg, Rostock, Berlin Ostbahnhof and again Erfurt P in just four and a half years. It was not until July 21, 1963, when it was based at Berlin Ostbahnhof, that the machine's life cycle came to a little rest.