Mount Halimun-Salak National Park (TNGHS) is one of the national parks located in West Java. This conservation area with an area of 113,357 hectares is important because it protects the largest lowland rainforest in this area, and as a water catchment area for the surrounding districts. With a mountainous area, its two highest peaks are Mount Halimun (1,929 m) and Mount Salak (2,211 m).[1] More than 700 species of flowering plants live in the natural forest in TNGHS,[2] and the existence of several important types of protected fauna here such as the Javan hawk-eagle, Javan leopard, Javan gibbon, surili, and others. The TNGHS area and its surroundings are also home to several indigenous groups, including the Kasepuhan Banten Kidul indigenous community and the