All current offers in our Telegram channel - https://t.me/invest_inbrazil Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/invest_inbr... website (rus): https://ru.brazil-invest.com website (eng): https://brazil-invest.com/ website (port): https://br.brazil-invest.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@invest.in.bra... Yandex Zen: https://dzen.ru/id/6566a5b6f6cd644b2b... VKontakte: https://vk.com/club223481334 Life in Brazil: Jurerê District. Florianópolis Real Estate Investments Brazil In this video, Ekaterina talks about the most elite area in Florianopolis - Jurerê What we'll talk about: 1. We'll visit the favorite cafe of Russian-speaking expats. 2. We'll walk through a wonderful park. 3. We'll visit the construction sites of the best developers in Jurerê. 4. We'll visit several locations where pre-sales are currently taking place (previously investment before the foundation pit) 5. I'll explain why everyone dreams of investing in this area. 6. I'll show you the best beach on the island. Invest wisely - contact Invest in Brazil #LivingInBrazil #Real EstateInBrazil #InvestingInReal EstateBrazil #Brazil #Real Estate #LivingInBrazilBuyingHouse #InvestingInReal EstateBrazil #Real EstateBrazil #Real EstateBrazil #ResidencePermitBrazil #InvestingInReal Estate #BrazilReal Estate #HowToObtainResidencePermitBrazil #BuyReal EstateInBrazil #BuyReal EstateBrazil #DualCitizenshipBrazil #InvestingInReal EstateBrazil #Florianopolis #jurerê #jurere