Today I want to talk about three very common fears among those planning a life change and in particular a move abroad. All fears that I have experienced myself and learned to live with, even finding some ways to overcome them. ************************* ARE YOU INTERESTED IN WHAT I SAY AND DO YOU PLAN TO LIVE IN FRANCE OR DO YOU ALREADY LIVE THERE? HERE ARE THE NEXT STEPS: ✅ 1. SUBSCRIBE to my Youtube channel, new tips every Wednesday! https://bit.ly/3xnxpcc ???? 2. DOWNLOAD my Free Guide, 52 things to know to go live in France: https://bit.ly/3cCTpYz ✈ 4. LET'S PLAN YOUR MOVE TO FRANCE! Do you want to go live in France but don't know where to start? Do you have any practical, bureaucratic, work-related doubts? Book a private consultation with me: https://bit.ly/3xnHN3q