Click here to register https://goo.gl/nouQBs Animated Ball (Alceu Silva) My lords and ladies Pay a little attention There's going to be a big ball Today here in this hall Because the room is already ready Good for tuning the floor And the guests are arriving What a good ball So many pretty little gifts A fitted dress They're very vain Around their boyfriends I'm an Indian with good taste For this I'm prepared They can be blonde or brunette They all fall to my liking When I pick up my harmonica Even the sorrows go away Singing gaucho verses That hurt the heart Playing waltz and chotes Cleaning the bench and vanerão If they ask me for a ranchera I never say no Come on, enjoy it, guys Because this little weather is good It never lasts forever It's just for the occasion Joining in the fun I'll go to the middle of the hall Talking to the brunettes Swearing with all my heart When dawn comes No one stays seated anymore Old men and young men go dancing A figurative chotes Shouting and listening It even makes the soul tremble roof And I'm here on my harmonica Playing with the keyboard Young accordionist: Arlles Dinan Ramos Guitar: Elon Lima de Ramos Harmonica: João Paulo Mendes Pinhão-PR National Capital of accordionists Sereno da Madrugada (Adelar Bertussi/Honeyde Bertussi)