❤Share your health concerns in real time❤ Cheon-gi-nu-seol Episode 229 / Thumbs Up King Episode 301 / Check Time Again Episode 93 1. [Cheon-gi-nu-seol] Hyperlipidemia completely cured with jujube? 2. [Thumbs Up King] Hyperlipidemia alleviated with carbohydrates? Grain soymilk that helps with vascular health 3. [Check Time Again] Kim Cheong's health routine without any adult diseases even in her 60s! 'Proper health' that will take responsibility for your lifelong health : / Proper health #Hyperlipidemia #Hyperlipidemia #Vascular health #Jujube rice #Jujube tea #Carbohydrates #Grain soymilk #Arteriosclerosis #Adult disease #Sugar #Diabetes #Kim Cheong #Management routine #Health management #Cheon-gi-nu-seol #Thumbs Up King #Check Time Again #MBN