Assalamualaikum Wr, Wb. Sampurasun! Welcome to Youtube Channel Giriharja Dua Putu, enjoy watching our content. Hopefully you can be entertained, and don't forget to keep following our channel by Like, Share and Subscribe. Our content is closely related to Sundanese culture, especially wayang golek, one of the contents we create is Wayang Sketch. This content is taken based on an idea and concept to create a wayang performance with a new atmosphere, namely in the wild. In addition, we create several other contents to entertain all of you in West Java, Indonesia and abroad. Follow our other social media Follow Instagram: @khanhashandhika / khanhashandhika @giriharjaduaputu / giriharjaduaputu CP: 0813-2015-5161 (Special Job) #giriharja #giriharja2 #giriharja3 #adekosasih #asepsunandar #sundaneseculture #indonesianculture #wayang sketch #podcastsicepot #wayanggolek performance #livestreaming #sundaneseentertainment #heureuysunda #bodorsunda #bobodoransunda #leather puppet #wayangorang #indonesiancomedy #sunda comedy #comedy sketch #abodor sketch #sundanuaing #sundasalawasna #sundasamodarna #indonesia #nusantara