In this live broadcast we will analyze the latest news on the war in Ukraine and the Middle East, with a special focus on the latest developments on the battlefield and geopolitics. ⚡️Become a member of the channel to help us continue growing, thank you!: / @miguelruizcalvo ✅ Telegram: https://t.me/miguelruizcalvo ⬇️ Social Networks ⬇️ WhaApp: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaE4... Email: [email protected] YouTube: / miguelruizcalvo Instagram: / miguel.ruizcalvo Twitter: / miguelruizcalv Linkedin: / miguel-ruiz-calvo #ukraine #russia #news #nato #syria #ukrainetoday #putin #ukraine #russiaukraine #ukrainewar #ukrainebreakingminute #news #breakingnews #miguelruizcalvo