#ENEM #MILITARY #PHYSICS #BOARO PLATFORM Link: https://professorboaro.com.br/ Common questions: 1) How do the differentiated study plans work? Guys, I made several study plans for you. The important thing is to focus! The important thing is your result! And for that, when you choose a plan to subscribe to, you have the right to have access to a set of these plans. For example, the Annual Premium Plan gives you the right to access all plans. I have Enem and Vestibulares plans, only ENEM or only Military Schools. The plans are divided by weeks and what differentiates one from the other is basically the number of suggested exercises and the level of these exercises. Because I have about 3,000 exercises on the Platform (I'm always recording more!) I can direct each plan very well. To help you understand better, let me give you an example: In ENEM there is content that has never been included, such as electrical force work, for example, but it can be included, of course. For these subjects, I leave a few exercises, while for those that are covered a lot, such as wave physics or electrodynamics, for example, I choose a looooot of them. 2) What are the modules on the platform? Guys, I'll use another example to explain: Electrical force is a subject that is frequently covered in all military schools, so I have dozens of them solved (and I keep recording more). However, as expected, I won't include all of them to be solved in the Electrical Force class, even in the study plan of the Military Schools (EsPCEx, Efomm, AFA, Escola Naval, Colégio Naval, Eear, ITA and IME). So I use a space to concentrate all the exercises I have on the subject of Electrostatics and I put everything there. Students who want to delve deeper and deeper into solving these questions can, in addition to taking the class that is in the study plan, solve all the other exercises available on the platform. And this applies to all subjects in all classes. I have a specific module for Military Schools, ENEM Physics, general Physics content (that is, for all other entrance exams such as Fuvest/Unesp/Unicamp, which I have dozens and dozens of questions for) and the Math module for ENEM is under construction!!! That's right, I have some exercises and some Math classes for ENEM as a gift for you and that's my main focus for 2021. Recording a lot of Math for ENEM. I guarantee you that it's the best cost-benefit in the online Physics teaching market in Brazil.