CEREMONY STARTS AT 28 MIN 30 SEC OF VIDEO In celebration of Tree Day, on September 21st, the Soka Institute Amazon in partnership with Fundação Rede Amazônica and other companies and institutions, holds the event to launch the “Memorial Life Project” in honor of all victims of COVID-19 in Brazil. The institute will promote this remarkable project by planting one tree for each lost life, contributing to the good, ecological integrity and future prosperity of the Amazon Forest. --- Celebrating the Tree Day, on September 21st, the Soka Institute Amazon in partnership with Fundação Rede Amazônica and other companies, holds the event “Memorial Life”, in memoriam to all victims of COVID-19 in Brazil. The Institute will promote this remarkable project planting one tree for each lost life, contributing to the good, ecological integrity and future prosperity of Amazon Forest. #InstitutoSokaAmazonia #DiadaArvore #Amazonia #Amazon #Preservacao #MeioAmbiente