Yandex Browser neural networks translate and voice live broadcasts (beta) https://ya.cc/t/Xwu1W7xS49MjLF The first test launch of the Starship spacecraft, which in the future is planned to send people to Mars and the Moon, and the super-heavy launch vehicle Super Heavy with 33 Raptor engines. Astronomer Vladimir Surdin hosts the stream together with the wonderful popularizer of science Dmitry Pobedinsky, subscribe to his channel @PhysFromPobed, with him understanding physics is really easy! You can support the "Nezemnoy Podcast" with a donation and subscribe to additional materials from the filming and exclusive podcast issues on the Boosty! platform: https://boosty.to/nezemnoypodcast "Nezemnoy Telegram": here is space news, subscribe: https://t.me/nezemnoy_telegram