"Yoshimoto Comedian Survival Confirmation Telephone" is a special audio program that began in 2020 with Koji Higashino calling comedians who were asked to stay home due to the spread of COVID-19. This time, which is the first time in three years, Koji Higashino will call popular comedians for two and a half hours together with his ally Messenger Kuroda. From popular comedians such as M-1 Warriors and King of Conte Champions to young, passionate comedians trying to make a comeback, one after another will appear! Enjoy this unpredictable, uncut telephone program. <Streaming URL> FANY official YouTube channel *Until 9pm https://youtube.com/live/TkH2HH4-AdU?... stand.fm *Full broadcast https://stand.fm/channels/6745bf7969b... <FANY official website> https://fany.lol/ <stand.fm official website> https://stand.fm/ <Cast> Main personalities: Higashino Koji & Messenger Kuroda <Telephone guests> Jimmy Onishi/Borujiku Anri/TAIGA/Evers Machida/Double Higashi/Revan Kujo Joe/Shimoryu Shimota/Love Letters/Charanporan Tomiyoshi/ Yamashita/Momo/Kumada Masashi/Mayurika, the charismatic figure in the audio content world, Higashino Koji and Messenger Kuroda Ari, a radio personality with high listenership in the Kansai region, have teamed up again to revive "Higashin & Kuroda's Yoshimoto Comedian Survival Confirmation Telephone" for the first time in three years.