Expedition to Mały Lodowy Szczyt, or rocks, snow and... Chopin :) It was quite a special day this summer, because in the higher parts of the mountains you could feel like you were in the high mountains. Due to these peculiar conditions and strictly summer equipment, I gave up on more ambitious routes. Mały Lodowy, despite its inconspicuousness, offers a wonderful panorama of the highest Tatra peaks, impressive formations such as Jaworowy Mur, as well as picturesque valleys. The road leading to the summit is within the reach of every intermediate tourist, because it presents little technical and orientation difficulties. A little over 100 meters of approach from Czerwona Ławka (2352m) gives us incomparably more beautiful views than from the pass itself. There is no marked tourist trail leading to the summit, so the beauty it offers belongs to the more courageous ;)