Literature club from November 14th, 2023 Books discussed: 03:25 Fabcaro/Didier Conrad - Asterix - The White Iris https://tinyurl.com/ycxmyepw 09:02 Lauren Groff - The Great Wilderness https://tinyurl.com/2p8zn9pd 26:04 Ulrich Woelk - Midsummer Days https://tinyurl.com/4d8edcfw 45:54 Gianna Molinari - The World Behind the Hedge https://tinyurl.com/2ka29ccz 59:48 Bora Chung - The Curse of the Hare https://tinyurl.com/et6ue54w Book recommendations: 37:40 Ayelet Gundar-Goshen - Awakening Lions https://tinyurl.com/2tz7rauy 39:44 Colum McCann - Apeirogon https://tinyurl.com/dx7239zj 41:37 Geoffroy de Lagasnerie – A Life Outside https://tinyurl.com/keb869d6 43:34 Ilse Aichinger – The Greater Hope https://tinyurl.com/4xksa9bs