Program about the book Lolita by Russian poet, short story writer and playwright Vladimir Nabokov, written in English and, in addition to the controversy it caused, considered one of the most important books of the 20th century. Ederson Granetto interviews Professor Aurora Fornoni Bernardini, from the Department of Oriental Literature at the School of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences at the University of São Paulo, who explains the importance of the author and comments on the ideas he offers in his best-known book. *Watch UNIVESP TV live and see our full schedule at http://univesptv.cmais.com.br *From Monday to Friday at 9 am and 9 pm, the Estúdio Univesp program brings interviews, debates, news and special reports to UNIVESP TV. The channel for those who want to know more and always learn! *Tune in to UNIVESP TV through the digital channels of TV Cultura's multiprogramming. In São Paulo, the channel is 6.2. *About UNIVESP TV: http://univesptv.cmais.com.br/sobre-a...