The Catholic liturgy proposes the recitation of the Litany of the Saints in particular circumstances, including the Rogation procession, performed as a penitential and propitiatory act of the harvest. The Litany of the Saints is divided into two parts: the first part invokes the prayer of a large group of saints (Ora pro nobis); the second part asks for divine protection against dangers and snares (Libera nos Domine) and the intervention of God (Te rogamus audi nos) in the material and spiritual life of man as an individual and in his various community forms. The video offers some images of the Rogations of the past and, in color, those performed on the Asiago Plateau, famous and evocative. The vision is accompanied by the singing of the 2nd part of the Litany of the Saints, performed by the Choir of the St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary of Winnona (Minnesota).