MUSLIMA SOLIHA - ⛔All types of copying from this channel are prohibited. It is not allowed to repost our videos to YouTube, Telegram, Instagram and other similar networks! Dear members of our channel, there is no objection to you liking the videos and sending them to your friends on Telegram, Instagram and other social networks. __________________________________________________________ Prayer, Zikr, Dua, Istighfor, Ro'za. Prayer, Zikr, Duo, Istigh'for, Ro'za. ____________________________ ____________________________ A VERY BEAUTIFUL, SOFT REcitation. YOU WILL FORGET YOUR WORRIES AND WALK TO PARADISE! YOU WILL BE SURROUNDED BY ANGELS AND UNDER THE PROTECTION OF ALLAH UNTIL THE MORNING! A COLLECTION OF PRAYERS FOR PRAYER, SALAWAT, HEALING, SUPPLY INCREASING PRAYERS AND POWERFUL REMEMBRANCES IS IN THIS VIDEO!