Hello friend. Don't forget to like and subscribe to the channel) MonoBank for technical re-equipment: https://send.monobank.ua/jar/7VDvTA5bu9 Become a sponsor of this channel to receive bonuses: / @kraskiin 0:00 - INTRODUCTION 1:01 - FARM AN ADDITIONAL 5 HOLIDAY STORE TOKENS; 1:36 - ADDITIONAL DISASSEMBLY OF THE WOT TEASER IN 2025; 5:50 - FULL LIST OF TECHNOLOGY CHANGES IN UPDATE 1.27.1. WOT Express: Disassembly of the WOT 2025 teaser. As can be seen from the video sequence, we are not shown events for the entire year 2025, and Wargaming tells about September 2025 and everything connected with it. 1) From the first frames, we are sent to the first clips for the game. We can already see how the graphics have changed. Here we should expect improvements in graphics, shadows, etc. 2) Next, they show the map compared to the one used in the OBZ 1 and 3 campaigns. Perhaps this is one general map that includes all OBZs at once. It has also become more interactive and may be an element of the new garage. There will be OBZ: 4 campaign - obviously. 3) Improved detailing of equipment. More polygons, better effects and materials. Although the clip is a pre-render, a significant improvement in tank textures is expected. The headlight glass and light in general stand out in particular. 4) New Random Events on 3 maps. "Fiords", 2 maps could not be determined and "Paris". 5) The surroundings of the factory itself were not shown easily and this may be a new garage. The workshop looks very large and includes many elements that can be used in certain game events: OBZ, auction or when purchasing equipment normally. These are dynamic, interactive and built-in things from events. 6) At least every tank shown in the video is a possible new high-level machine. With unique animations, body kits and improved graphics. We did not see any hints of a tank from the design bureau here, as well as a possible auction! Which confirms the full continuity of the video only until September 2025. 7) All the drawings that are visible in the video are not random, but it is difficult to determine specific tanks, but it is possible. Rebalance of equipment in 1.27.1 WOT A preliminary review of changes in the performance characteristics of machines sent to EU bloggers from the upcoming update has been published online. ❗️IMPORTANT: these are preliminary changes and performance characteristics and they may change before the General Test 1.27.1 WOT! Consider this. List of upgraded vehicles: •🔼Branch X 🇩🇪E 100 IX 🇩🇪E 75 VIII 🇩🇪Tiger II •🔼Branch 🇺🇸MVY VIII 🇺🇸M-III-Y •🔼Branch X 🇯🇵Type 71 IX 🇯🇵Type 68 VIII 🇯🇵Type 57 •🔽Branch X 🇵🇱60TP Lewandowskiego IX 🇵🇱50TP Tyszkiewicza VIII 🇵🇱53TP Markowskiego Clan WOT: https://eu.wargaming.net/clans/wot/50... Telegram Kraskiin: https://t.me/KRASKIIN Donate: https://donatello.to/KRASKIIN