What makes a listed dog a listed dog and what question should every dog owner with one ask themselves? Hundeflo Florian Günther reveals this in SIT. DOWN. HERE. FOOT. RUN. - the slightly different dog podcast. SIT. DOWN. HERE. FOOT. RUN. New every two weeks, every Monday in your favorite podcast app. Follow the slightly different dog podcast so you don't miss an episode, write a comment and give us a 5-star rating. We are always happy to receive mail, suggestions and ideas: [email protected] (https://servus.com) You are listening: Florian Günther, also known as "Hundeflo", has been dealing with the correct handling of dogs for many years. Above all, it is important to him to understand the language of dogs and to interpret their behavior correctly so that the four-legged friend becomes a reliable partner in everyday life. After all, he should be an enrichment and not a burden. Here you can find his book "Verhundst" (https://www.servusmarktplatz.com/p/Ve...). Mesi Tötschinger, also known from the culinary podcast "Servus Gute Küche", loves dogs just as much as good food. But maybe sometimes the love of animals goes too far. Reading Flo's book "Verhundst" opened her eyes several times. Here you can find the episode website: https://www.servus.com/a/pc/listenhun... All information about the list dog regulations in Austria: https://www.oesterreich.gv.at/themen/... Find out more about "Hundeflo": https://www.derhundeflo.com (https://www.derhundeflo.com/) Take a look at the current Servus magazine: https://www.servus.com/aktuelles-serv... You will regularly find exciting animal knowledge in it. Click here to go to the Servus am Marktplatz online shop: https://www.servusmarktplatz.com/ Save 5 euros now with the code "podcast" - for purchases of 40 euros or more. You can find the current issue of Servus in Stadt & Land wherever magazines are sold. Or have it conveniently sent to your home as a single copy: https://www.magazinabo.com/at_servuss... All subscription offers with great rewards can be found here: https://www.magazinabo.com/at/servuss... Illustrations: Roland Vorlaufer Production: Beatrix Hammerschmied Sound mixing: Tonstudio Soundfeiler