🟢 LEARN EXCEL WITH ME IN THE COMPLETE EXCEL COURSE WITH CERTIFICATE: http://excelentejoao.com.br/sejaexcel... List Changes According to Previous List How to Make a Dependent Dropdown List in Excel Indirect Function In this Excel video lesson, we will learn how to make a dependent drop-down list in Excel using the indirect function to help us. The list changes depending on the choice of the previous list, that is, we will have a main list and a secondary list based on the choice of option of the first list the second list changes automatically i.e. we can create several lists depending on the choice of the previous list depending on the option chosen previously to make a drop down list in Excel make a list of options a check box a list of values in Excel we can simply select the cells in the Excel spreadsheet where we want to apply this list of options and click on data and then on data validation and then just select the list option and write all the options you want to have in your list and just separate each one of options by semicolons for example, we have categories and subcategories in categories we have income and expense options. These are the main categories and for each of these options we have several other options to choose from in revenue we have salary bonus overtime and others, for expenses we have water electricity gas rent food etc so if I choose the revenue option in the category the subcategory list it will refer to the chosen option revenues however If I choose the expense option the subcategory list the second list the secondary list will refer to the expense options If I choose option A, a list will appear, if I choose option B, it will another list appears and so on. This is what we will learn to do in this free Excel tutorial, the formula that we will use in Excel is the indirect formula or we can even call it the indirect function in Excel we can use the indirect function to return all cells all the information relating to a set of given a practical example is what we are going to do in this Excel step by step for example I have several lists to choose from and each of these lists is in a different table I have a revenue table and another expense table see that the name of the my tables are respectively revenue and expense, so if I use the indirect function in Excel and use the revenue criterion, the result of the indirect function will be all the values in the table that correspond to the criteria used, in other words, it will return all the revenue values to me such as salary, bonus overtime, etc. and vice versa. now with the indirect function we can use it within data validation in Excel instead of creating a normal list in Excel and separating each of the values by semicolons we will use the indirect function instead and our reference will be revenue or expense to search for information from our tables #ExcelenteJoão #Excel #Dashboard