In this video lesson I make a beautiful cardboard lipstick holder with a mirror. I really loved the result. You can also make yours, since this is a cardboard class for beginners. To make it easier, I gathered the information in the step-by-step lipstick holder magazine, click on the link below and receive yours. https://www.semigual.art/porta-batom-... OUR ONLINE CARTON COURSE: If you want to learn real cardboard, have the perfect finish and know all the secrets of Heloisa Gimenes, now you have everything in one place. Sem Igual Artesanato brings to the market the best cardboard course for you who are starting out or even want to improve. Click on the link and guarantee your place: http://ead.si/cursoyt1 In this cardboard course you will learn through 10 pieces, what is cardboard? The Possibilities of Cardboard Making, Cardboard designed from scratch, for you to make cardboard boxes in the size you want. CARDBOARD MAKING COURSES YOUR WAY https://display.hotmart.com/heloisa-g... TOOLS AND MATERIALS ADHESIVE ACRYLIC MIRROR 7 x 4.5 cm - https://www.semigual.com/espelho-de-b... ADHESIVE ACRYLIC MIRROR 7 x 7 cm - https://www.semigual.com/espelho7x7 ESSENTIAL TOOLS FOR CARDBOARD MAKING - https://www.semigual.com/ferramentas/... PYGMEY FOAM ROLLER - https://www.semigual.com/rolinho-pigm... HAIR WIRE RULER - https://www.semigual.com/fio-de-cabel... 45mm CIRCULAR CUTTER - https://www.semigual.com/Lanmax?searc... PLASTIC SPATULA - TEFLON FENDER - https://www.semigual.com/ferramentas/... TEFLON FENDER - https://www.semigual.com/dobradeira-t... COLORFUL EYELETS - https://www.semigual.com/ilhos?search... CARDBOARD KIT FOR CANDY BOX 8 by 8 - https://www.semigual.com/kits/caixas-... WHERE TO BUY THE MATERIALS: You can find many of the materials presented by me in the videos in our store: http://www.semigual.com OUR BLOG: Discover the Sem Igual VIP Room, there you will find tips, step by steps, interviews and many promotions from Sem Igual. https://SemIgual.art OUR SOCIAL NETWORKS: Facebook: / semigualart Instagram / semigualart Links to purchase materials: Kits: https://semigu.al/kits Templates: https://semigu.al/ferramentas #LipstickHolder #CartonagemStep by Step #Crafts