The recording of "The King of the Animals" at the beginning of August 2018 in the Berlin Wühlmäuse will be published as the second season exclusively here on the channel as part of the "Lippes Leselust" series. "The King of the Animals" with stories to laugh at, to smile at and to reflect on. In them, Jürgen von der Lippe combines puns and jokes with philosophy and language criticism and tells stories that are as funny as they are deceitful about the battle of the sexes, about God and the perfect and imperfect world. Order the book here: www.juergenvonderlippe-shop.de/buch-der-koenig-der-tiere.html ► Subscribe to Jürgen von der Lippe's channel now: / @juergenvonderlippekanal ► Instagram: / juergen.von.der.lippe ► Facebook: / juergenvonderlippe Photo: Claudius Pflug