Today we are making new pizzas They will all be fruity Since I am already standing at the table I will cut them evenly These are my super powers! I will also add other fruits I have a delicious dish today What is that cat doing there? I will put a plate on the stove Now I will put on some delicious cream The pizza is almost ready All chocolate Everyone will eat mine with pleasure Everyone wants the fruity one Chocolate is better! Mine is very healthy! This big tanker will flood us soon! Maybe we still have time I will hide behind the table It won't reach me Here I hope the pizza survives It completely fell apart The new one is not worth it for me We have to cooperate I think I have a good idea Put some of the fruit there We will mix it all together We have a new type of pizza I will melt the chocolate I will divide it I will manage We will catch all the pieces You see? We get along quite well It dyes your clothes It's hard, I'm flying out of here