Just a little more and we'll be done Now we'll make trouble He won't even guess Watch your pants lion Let me just get you And everything's torn I'll put an end to your jokes Hey! My clothes! I think you dropped something lion I shouldn't have laughed When they went to the store They looked at a lot of things Each took a few clothes They went on a shopping spree Now we're counting everything We've got a lot of clothes here It's good that I have fast hands Maybe don't pack any more Hey, what's all this throwing? I'll pay for the clothes It costs a lot more These clothes I'm keeping I can give you something else That's all you can afford I still have the rest for you I think that's enough I want to pay for it already Not enough money lion Instead I'll give you something I've got such a nice outfit here One, two and it's already put on I want to go that way! We'll use this coin We'll eat a little dessert Please, enjoy your meal We also want something delicious The cake looks great You won't get any at all Because of you it's ruined! I'm going my way You'll regret it