We can go home now And we can take that boat too? Stop rocking, lion! Come out and calm down! I don't know what we'll do with you But we're leaving the shop without that boat You have to listen to me and mom! What's going on? We're running away from the wave! It's a little higher up here Everyone come closer I can't feel a thing from the cold The helicopter will save us They have a big problem Let them put on vests Everyone will get it soon This new outfit is cool Honey, I'll help you I can lower the ladder This wasn't supposed to happen The truck was already carried away! We have a house nearby We're climbing up to this roof Give your hand to the lion The wave washed him away, oh no! Let them do something better I'm at the shop again I'll borrow this boat First I'll use scissors I'll save my family I'll get there quickly in this boat What's this, little kitty? You'll be all right with me We're almost there Hurray, mom's rescue! You did a good job today, lion The sky has brightened I've already saved everyone I got hungry from that