While we were playing nicely in the pool The wolf came and hit me Oh no! The wolf sank into the water Be more careful, okay? You have to follow all the rules Please don't come my way again! Hey, look at this! An idea came to my mind Whatever I throw into the pool, it's all absorbed here Hey! What's all this blackness? It smells so bad! No way! My foot slipped. And my shorts got stuck on the tree Oh no! The wolf's tail! Uncle orc, save him! That's not a tail, man! Then where is the wolf? Naughty! So you're here You've made a mess again Here's that net Clean everything now Here's the pool, it's cleaned Let me throw the garbage in the trash now How did I dodge cleaning? Here's the mop time Ok, brother orc I don't like cleaning at all, come on and put on your bagel