A video of Linz on the right bank of the Rhine, where I got to show you besides regional squeakys (class 425) and class 143 with double-floor wagons also pictures of the town and freight trains, as well as the blue beige class 798 of the Kasbachtalbahn. (Final scene: tides on the Lofoten Islands) - - English: A video of Linz on the right bank of the Rhine, where I got to show you besides regional squeakys (class 425) and class 143 with double-floor wagons also pictures of the town and freight trains, as well as the blue beige class 798 of the Kasbachtalbahn. - - Location: https://www.openrailwaymap.org/?lang=... - - Railway videos from Germany: • Railway videos from Germany by BV780 - - Railway video overview map: http://goo.gl/nD9bP9 FB page: / bv780 Flickr photo stream: https://www.flickr.com/photos/starhorst/ Instagram: / bv780 Homepage: https://bergfelder.jimdo.com/ USE and further processing of this and any other of my videos is FORBIDDEN. USAGE of this and any other of my videos is FORBIDDEN. © BergfelderVideos780