Ivory Tower Crater: Avenger Alusion Land of Slaughter: Demon Venoma Crocodile Island: Watcher Tristan Bracka's Lair: Berserker Jetal Isle of the Oracle: Vicious Balak Forest of Mirrors: Witch Moira Wasteland: Acrich Charon ※ How to Sponsor ① Click the sponsorship link and pay Sponsorship link: https://toon.at/donate/l2_love ② Press + in the 1:1 chat window of KakaoTalk Open Chat and send money. KakaoTalk Open Chat: https://open.kakao.com/me/L2_Love Hunting Grounds Guide ※ 5 Aden Dungeons: Balor/Refuge/Ash/Cropin/Spirit's Forest Level 110 Difficulty, Solo Dungeon ※ Part-time Hunting Grounds: Fioren's Crystal Prison/Pantheon Museum/5th Floor of the Tower of Arrogance ※ Field Hunting: Sel Mahum Garrison (Level 124 Reinforced Hunting Ground) ※ Disron: Fran Delir's Water Source (PvP Not Allowed) Level 116 Area. #Lineage2 #BatsServer #HomeworkPot #TimeLimitedHuntingGround #Balor #InfiniteShelter #AshShadowRevolutionaryArmy #Cropin #SpiritForest #Fioren'sCrystalPrison #PantheonMuseum #Jamoa'sCampsite #TowerofOman #lineage2 #Time-limited_hunting #instance_hunting_zone #Korean_sever #Awakening_Sever #Tower_of_Oman #Disron