Doses of limestone for opening in sandy soils? Agricultural expansion in the country is mainly focused on sandy soils in the cerrado! Adapting existing parameters to obtain the best results in a new scenario is essential! . In the work above, we present a liming study, in a soil with 8% clay (drag to the side)! The best results apparently are found in recommendations above those currently used, such as the correction method by base saturation (V%). . What are the reasons? Today, varieties with a cycle of 120 to 130 days are generally planted in these areas, a shorter cycle than the 150 days 20 years ago, which makes them more demanding of ideal soil conditions; Planting usually takes place between October or November, 20 years ago we planted later, sometimes in December, which provided more time for the limestone to react until the soybean was planted; Today, this interval is shorter, so larger doses can contribute to faster reactivity; Varieties with greater production potential, which require better fertility, in this case limestone reacting more quickly with a higher dose, can bring better results; . How to improve even more? Starting with cover crops in the first crop, this can improve the distribution of nutrients in the profile, increase organic matter and biology, create and maintain biopores, in addition to some nutrients remaining in the organic phase, being released more slowly later. . Work exuberantly conducted by our researcher @leonardo_sarkis in a joint project between @gapesgo and @comigooficial with studies in sandy soils. . Special thanks to @evandroppeixoto @marjorie_peixoto, @felipeschwening and the farm for all the support and assistance in the work! . Have you had a similar experience? Share it with us! . #agriculture #gapesnocampo #fertility #sandysoils