00:00 Chant Yoga Yoga Yogeshwaraya 08:57 Current situation in the world 12:20 Be joyful to dance 21:25 Be without shame 32:20 The virus is also a life 38:02 Individualism or community? End music of Darshan Alai - Wave of bliss: • Alai - Wave of Bliss The article on the different practices to do in these difficult times https://isha.sadhguru.org/global/fr/b... To donate to isha's fight against coronavirus https://www.ishaoutreach.org/en/actio... A yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master apart. His life and work are a striking blend of pragmatism and depth, and remind us that yoga is a contemporary and vital science for our times. Official Facebook Page of Sadhguru French: / sadhgurufrancais Official Instagram of Sadhguru French: / sadhguru.francais Isha kriya, free guided meditation in French by Sadhguru: • Presentation of the Isha Kriya meditation... The blog in French: https://isha.sadhguru.org/global/fr/w... For any information request: [email protected]