Aleksander Milchtach Sław was born on June 7, 1951 in Łódź. His father, a Christian, survived the war in the Soviet Union. He returned to Poland with the Second Polish Army as a political officer; he was the head of the Central Committee administration in Warsaw; he ended his military career as a colonel. He died in 1972. Aleksander Milchtach Sław never knew his father, his parents separated when his mother became pregnant. His mother, Rywka Laja (who used the names Regina Inka) was born in 1914; she was the oldest of the siblings, the only one to have a high school diploma. She worked as a tutor until the outbreak of the war. She was placed in the Łódź ghetto, later in Auschwitz, from where she was sent with her sister to work in Germany; they managed to escape and returned to Łódź after the war. She got her first post-war job in the Military Trade Unions (where she met her father Aleksander Milchtach Sław - in the Łódź Military Garrison); she was politically involved (a believing communist); she worked as a councilor in Łódź, chairwoman of the Adjudicating Board, and planning manager of the Textile Plants. In 1965 she graduated from law. After moving to Denmark, she worked at the Royal Library in Copenhagen. Aleksander Milchtach Sław lived with his mother on Nowotki Street in Łódź, then his mother's sister and son joined them (ca. 1954-55). He graduated from the 4th General Secondary School in Łódź and was accepted to study English at the University of Łódź, but he did not start his studies because in October 1969 he left for Denmark with his mother, aunt and cousin. He lives in Copenhagen to this day. He regained Polish citizenship; In 2007, he returned to the surname Milchtach. In 2018, he participated in organizing an exhibition about Łódź residents living abroad, organized at the Łódź Dialogue Center. INTERVIEWEE NAME: Aleksander Milchtach Sław INTERVIEWED BY: Józef Markiewicz RECORDING: Józef Markiewicz DATE OF RECORDING: 2017 COPYRIGHT TO THE RECORDING: POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews Discover the POLIN Museum's oral history collection: https://sztetl.org.pl/pl/historia-mow... Subscribe to our channel: / @historiamowionapolin Watch the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews channels: POLIN (announcements and reports from events at the Museum): / mhzp2013 Virtual Shtetl (history and culture of Polish Jews): / virtualshtetl Polish Righteous (stories of help provided to Jews during the Holocaust): / polscysprawiedliwi Contact for the interview: [email protected] #PolinMuseum #SpokenHistory #marzec68