???? ARE WE DOING 2,000 subcaraibers ????? LINKS ????Become a Member: https://bit.ly/4aPleJI ❤️ Support : https://www.tipeeestream.com/g4nu ????Discord: g4Nul#8088 ????????????????Discord Server [RUBY]Kirin : / discord NOTE ????This channel exclusively features daily progress on the awesome game Metin2. ????Any other character with a name similar to mine or other abbreviations/modifications do not belong to me. ???? I will never ask for goods, money or other benefits on absolutely any server. ???? I do not promote other servers or youtube channels. Metin2INFO ❓What is the purpose of this channel? ✔️The goal of this channel is to reach level 30 champion, or at least try. ❓On which metin servers do you play? ✔️I only play on official servers, more precisely on [RUBY]Kirin. ❓ What level do you have? ✔️I am currently level 105. ❓What character do you have? ✔️Warrior, aura. ❓How long have you been playing Metin? ✔️I've been playing since the time when servers on Metin2.ro were Leonis and Virgo, so about 10 years. PC SPECS ????Processor: Intel i5 10400f ????Video card: nVidia GTX 1660 super ⚙️16 GB ram ???? 120gb SSD ???? 1 TB HDD ????️Logitech Pro Gaming ⌨️ uRage mechanics (damaged and glued with clam tape) ????️ Dell 160hz curved. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ENJOY MY CONTENT! ruby ruby metin2 #ruby Metin2 Ruby polyphemos Metin2 Polyphemos Tiger Ghost Metin2 Tiger Ghost Metin2 influencer server Metin2 ruby kirin Metin2 ruby charon Metin2 ruby chimera Metin2 ro Metin2.ro Metin2 pl Metin2.pl Metin2 cz Metin2.cz Metin2 hu Metin2.hu Metin2 ro Metin2 .ro Metin2 pl Metin2.pl Metin2 cz Metin2.cz Metin2 hu Metin2.hu Metin2 hu Metin2.hu Metin2 ro Metin2.ro Metin2 pl Metin2.pl Metin2 cz Metin2.cz Metin2 hu Metin2.hu #metin2 #metin2ro