In this podcast format, Petra Bracht and Roland Liebscher-Bracht tell the story of how they met, from their wedding to the development and creation of the Liebscher & Bracht method. Get ready for exciting insights into the Bracht family Liebscher & Bracht: The very unusual love story ???? You can find detailed information and further studies on this topic in our pain lexicon: ↪ https://www.liebscher-bracht.com/schm... ???? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????? ???????????????????????????????????? & ???????????????????????? ????????????: We support you in staying motivated and pain-free. A new 7-minute exercise session with Roland awaits you every day, as well as exclusive Sunday training and exercises for every pain area. Try it free for 30 days now ↪ https://lie-br.com/app-yt ???? ???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????: ↪︎ Shoulder-Savior ► http://lie-br.com/yt-schulterretter ↪︎ Neck-Savior ► http://lie-br.com/yt-nackeretter ↪︎ Back-Savior ► https://lie-br.com/yt-rueckenretter-shop ↪︎ ISG-Savior ► https://lie-br.com/Isg-retter ↪︎ Knee-Savior ► http://lie-br.com/yt-knieretter ↪︎ Jaw saver ► http://lie-br.com/yt-kieferretter ↪︎ Exercise loop ► http://lie-br.com/yt-uebungs-schlaufe ↪︎ Fascia set ► http://lie-br.com/yt-faszien-rollmass... ↪︎ Maxi roll ► https://lie-br.com/yt-maxirolle-shop ↪︎ ISG sciatica saver ► https://lie-br.com/yt-isg-ischias-retter ↪︎ Mattress ► https://lie-br.com/yt-matratze-90x200 ↪︎ MSM heat roller ►https://lie-br.com/MSM-Roller ???? ???????????????????????? ????????̈????????????????: ↪︎ Pain-free & mobile ► https://lie-br.com/buch-bestellen-yt ↪︎ Germany has a back ► https://lie-br.com/yt-dhr-buch ↪︎ The arthrosis lie ► https://lie-br.com/yt-al-buch ↪︎ Roll yourself pain-free ► https://lie-br.com/yt-rds-buch ↪︎ Back guide ► https://lie-br.com/yt-ruecken-ratgeber ↪︎ Knee guide ► https://lie-br.com/yt-knie-ratgeber ↪︎ Sciatica guide ► https://lie-br.com/yt-ischias-ratgeber ↪︎ Neck guide ► https://lie-br.com/yt-nacken-ratgeber ↪︎ Jaw guide ► https://lie-br.com/yt-kiefer-ratgeber ???????? Are you looking for a pain therapist in your area who treats according to Liebscher & Bracht? In our database you can find your personal therapist who will support and accompany you with our method: https://www.liebscher-bracht.com/schm... ???????????? Are you a doctor, physiotherapist or alternative practitioner and would you like to learn the Liebscher & Bracht pain therapy? Find out about our training now and book a non-binding consultation ↪︎ https://go.liebscher-bracht.com/ ???? Would you like to work on our great vision? Apply for our vacancies ↪︎ https://lie-br.com/team-liebscher-bracht ???? You can find our short videos on TikTok here: ↪︎ https://lie-br.com/yt-tiktok ???? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????: Roland Liebscher-Bracht and Dr. Petra Bracht have carefully considered and checked the information provided. To the best of their knowledge and belief, they make their personal insights and experiences of the last 30 years available to you. However, we must draw your attention to the following legal notice: The information provided by Liebscher & Bracht is for your information only and is in no way a substitute for personal advice, examination or diagnosis by a licensed doctor. The content we provide cannot and must not be used to make independent diagnoses. The content is intended solely to help people help themselves in the case of well-being disorders. There is no treatment of illnesses in the medical sense. Restricted mobility and pain can have various causes that cannot be assessed or treated remotely. Therefore, we cannot make any promises of healing or success. #liebscherbracht Content: 00:00 Intro 00:44 the new idea 03:42 the encounter 20:29 the wedding 32:33 honeymoon 34:57 career 47:12 Beginning of the Liebscher & Bracht method 1:03:30 Osteopressure