The program “Literary Cross-sections” under the heading Dichtung und Wahrheit (“Poetry and Truth”) offers a conversation about one of the most terrifying books in world literature, next to which horror series books seem like child’s play. We are talking about the autobiographical novel “If This Is a Man” by the Italian writer of Jewish origin, Primo Levi, which is a diary of the then event of World War II, the Shoah or Holocaust, recorded in the Auschwitz death camp, where Primo Levi ended up in early 1944. Primo Levi, a young man from Turin, who studied at the classical gymnasium and the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Turin, could never have imagined that he would become one of the most famous writers in the world. What happened in Auschwitz, where the line between human and animal is drawn, how it happened that the people who gave birth to Goethe did what they did - this is what the program will discuss.