The literary program “Tsakhnagi” under the rubric Habent sua fata libelli (“Books have their fates”) offers a conversation about the “Divine Comedy” by the brilliant Italian poet Dante Alighieri. Dante would have been very surprised if we had told him that you were the author of the “Divine Comedy”. The thing is that at that time, everything that started well and ended badly was written in Latin and was considered a tragedy, while everything that started badly and ended well was written in Italian and was called a comedy. It was precisely such a “comedy” that Dante wrote, which begins with hell and ends with heaven, and Boccaccio called it “divine” because such a masterpiece could not have come from human hands. This is how Dante Alighieri became the author of the “Divine Comedy”. Why does Dante's Hell consist of nine circles, if there are seven deadly sins; What did virtuous non-Christians and unbaptized infants do to end up in the first circle of Hell? Why is lust the lightest sin, and betrayal the gravest? Where did those terrible images of Dante's imagination come from that will terrify the reader of the Divine Comedy? What is the anatomy of sin and what is the geography of sin according to Dante? Why does Dante love the sinners of Hell with such a strange love? What sins did Dante expose himself to? How did poets accept Alighieri into their circle? What is the connection between Homer's Odyssey, Virgil's Aeneid, and Dante's Divine Comedy? Why eternal love drives the universe — all these questions will be answered in the program.