Even if powerful light radiations, which are electromagnetic waves, fall on a body, it will only retain the amount of them that its own absorption power allows it to absorb, although it is also true that part of the absorption power of any material also depends on the wavelength of the incident radiation. In the psycho-perispiritual field, a similar reality prevails, since the power of energetic action of one spirit on another is subject to a double condition, that is, to the wavelength of the light radiation of the acting party and to the absorption capacity of the acted party. It is essential that we do not lose sight of the fact that in all phenomena of this type the ineluctable regime is that of exchanges, whose natural scope is always that of equilibrium. #mental energy #Peace #Free will #Thought #Sublime emotions #Progress #Kindness #Spirituality #Universalism #Religiosity #Spiritualist initiation #Humanism #Love #Prayer #Prayers Native American Flute: ©Music provided by Blueberry Meditation© Watch the original movie here: • 1 Hour Native American Flute Sleep,...