Erick and Dominick in today's new video from DinsiemE we try 100 banned mermaid products from Amazon bought by Doctor Timoti in the pool after I built a secret apple store in our house with all our friends, Erik and Dominik from MegaGame DinsiemE and D'insiemE I built a secret room in the pool and we try 100 banned and mysterious products from Amazon against Doctor Timoti who challenges us to every game in real life! Dominick transformed into a mermaid for a 24 hour challenge in the pool. ???? ORDER our NEW BOOK: https://amzn.to/3x45KCo ???????? IBS: https://bit.ly/ViaggioNellaGalassia-IBS Feltrinelli: https://bit.ly/ViaggioNellaGalassia-F... ⬇️ See also: ???? LET'S TRY 100 BANNED PRODUCTS FROM AMAZON bought by Doctor Timoti: • LET'S TRY 100 BANNED PRODUCTS FROM AMAZ... ???? THE LAST ONE TO FALL FROM THE GIANT INFLATABLE WINS!: • THE LAST ONE TO FALL FROM THE GIANT INFLATABLE... ???? Let's eat the spiciest food in the world against Doctor Timoti red as inside out: • WE ONLY EAT CHILI FOOD FOR... ⬇️ Watch and find out more about: @ErickeDominick @DinsiemEplus @DottorGiniu IG: @dinsieme.official TikTok: @dinsieme.official The DinsiemE logos, characters and related logos are the exclusive property and management of DinsiemE Srl. All rights reserved. ©℗ DinsiemE #DinsiemE #ErickeDominick #ad