😀 Support the Nossa vida com Alice channel: https://apoia.se/nossavidacomalice 🛍️ Store with recommendations: https://www.amazon.com.br/shop/nossav... ❌ You cannot download my videos. To use my material, please contact: [email protected] Alice has been enjoying the compilations I've been making. 😀 And so do I, because by grouping the videos, I see that it catches her attention more, she gets distracted less. 👧🏽 She doesn't always have the patience to watch my videos, sometimes she prefers to watch other things, and that's okay, I don't force it, I don't want the materials I make to become boring and mandatory for her, you know? 🤓 But of course I'm happy when she watches the videos I make with so much dedication. This way, she is watching television, but at least she is watching something that was made with the intention of really helping her, an educational material. In this new compilation that I made, I selected videos with disyllabic words, that is, words that have only two syllables. Because of Alicinha's condition (which involves apraxia, language delay, etc.), words that are short are the ones that she finds easiest. In addition to being disyllabic, my second criterion was words that were cvcv, that is, consonant / vowel / consonant / vowel. For example, duck, cat, frog, ball, kite, house, candle, bell... Well, as always, I hope it is useful for your families too.