Erick and Dominick in today's new video from DinsiemE we survive the scariest nights of our lives with Doctor Timoti and Doctor Giniu in the 24 hour challenge at night in real life as in every game in real life! We stayed up all night, all night, until 3 am! ???? ORDER our NEW BOOK: https://amzn.to/3x45KCo ???????? ???? Watch MegaGame! Our TV series every Monday at 7:00 pm on Frisbee, channel 44! Will we be able to win against Doctor Giniu and Doctor Timoti to save the world? ???? ⬇️ Watch and find out more about: @ErickeDominick @DinsiemEplus @DottorGiniu IG: @dinsieme.official TT: @dinsieme.official The DinsiemE logos, characters and related logos are the exclusive property and management of DinsiemE Srl. All rights reserved. ©℗ DinsiemE #DinsiemE #ErickeDominick #challenge #ita