You can learn about medicinal plants and the properties of wild medicinal plants on the Best Garden with Hamed channel, the first gardening channel with Hamed, to solve physical and sexual problems using the rich resources of nature. In this regard, along with teaching gardening and agriculture and growing organic vegetables at home, such as growing tomatoes, planting vegetables, planting lettuce and cabbage in the garden, and any type of vegetable that a family needs, we will learn about medicinal plants and the therapeutic properties of wild plants. You can use these herbal medicines to fight physical diseases and benefit from these plants. Treat premature ejaculation, treat fatty liver, treat kidney stones, enhance memory, enhance sexual power, and most importantly, treat addiction and strategies for quitting smoking. Wild plants that are alkaloids and contain natural morphine can easily replace painkillers. Natural painkillers, such as wild lettuce, are the best natural sleeping pills. You will see the properties of wild lettuce and the use of wild lettuce to quit addiction on this channel. #Natural_painkiller #Natural_sedative #Poppy_alternative_plants #Best_alternative_to_sleeping_drugs #Alternative_to_poppy #Wild_lettuce #Planting_poppy #Planting_wild_lettuce #Growing_lettuce #Planting_vegetables_in_pots #Iran #Addiction_quitting_drugs #Herbal_quitting_drugs #Best_quitting_method #Quitting_smoking #Premature_ejaculation_treatment #Back_pain_treatment