#EW You can support the author by following the link: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/sofa... Well, in general, the author of the channel, in my opinion, explains the principles of antennas and radio communications very well and in simple language. Most likely, this video material will not suit anyone - specialists will consider it too superficial, and it will be extremely difficult for non-specialists to understand a bunch of specific terms. However, I have not seen a single such material, either on YouTube or anywhere else. If specialists speak, they speak in such a complex language that a person not from their environment simply will not understand anything. If ordinary people and propagandists speak, then there is such a quantity of technical illiteracy, it is unclear whether conscious or unconscious, that it becomes simply ridiculous. So I tried to create a kind of educational program about the mythologized electronic warfare. In the process, I removed the air component of EW/ELINT, since the topic would have grown to insane proportions, and secondly, EW and ELINT systems placed on fighters, aircraft and UAVs are the future of technical progress.